my eyes are enlightened
my heart is consoled.
with aims up high
we put our pride towards the skies.
pushing all enemies aside
pulling our allies in our side.
we should end this disaster.
lets put our indifference aside.
lets raise our flags up high.
marching on.
marching on.
lets poison these bastards
make sure we leave none behind.
remember that they corrupted what we have held so high.
our very own field for passion.
with flaming torches they tried to burn it down.
right now,
we should stand our own grounds.
stay firm,
as our battles ignite.
our posture never been better.
our visions never so cleared.
this is the war.
that we have all been gearing for.

silence the crowd,
quieten the rumors,
thats all we have in mind for this field.
a field so corrupted.
a field so polluted.
causing drastic changes to farmers who harvested it.
the visions became unclear.
fogged by immoral burnings.
these insects prey on it.
they keep on praying for more.
the hunger always lingering.
these people fight in it.
they keep on fighting for more.
where are the morality?LOST!
where is the armored spirit?GONE!
who should we blame?YOU!
who should we turn to?
no one.
other than our own selves who still believes in the passion
that the field once create.
we,the farmers,will keep on fighting.
a war against this plague.
we have to win.
for a better future's sake.

modern life is war.
from the band name,we can pretty much see around us why they decided to use that phrase as a name.
its inevitable and unavoidable.
life is consisting of battles and fights.
between good and evil,right and wrong.opinions and beliefs.choices and forces.
we all just need to decide our paths.
the only factor that affects us is greed and promises.
promises that says victory even when the actions are merciless and selfish.
is this what we all lust for?
i have seen these happening right in front of my eyes.
tried my best to stop them and minimize the repercussions that occur.
all i need is help.
a little effort from all the people around me.
Lets all forget our hunger for success and help each other out.
we all deserve a better world to live in.

friends are meant to look out for each other and help them up when they fall.
not sit around and just laugh at the fallen ones they call friends.
that is something i have been seeing often with the people around us.
they disguise themselves and wished that everyone is blind enough to not spot them at all.
why can't everyone just be true and honour each other like their promises say?
why not just give and take?
why don't we let others rise before us without feeling a little pinch of envy?
why must you isolate me?
why can't you amend your ways and see things as us do?
sick as this can get.
i don't wanna see you falter cause you seem to be plotting your own fall right now.
we are supposed to look out for each other's back and give us motivational talks to lighten our darkest days.
i've done my part.where's yours?
it seems luck is not on my whole day was a fucking mistake yet i have to take responsible for all the mishaps that happened to me.
not only am i broke and jobless,i have a lot of settlements to clear and bad debts to swallow.i hope that there is no more room for more.lets just pray that i will be able to settle the score.give me something to breath for.
i got into a rocky start when i woke up late today.was suppose to meet Asyraf earlier and deal with the posters but in the end i got out super late.while trying to get to Yishun,i dazed and got myself lost in the cemeteries at Jalan Bahar.Was pretty much fucked up as i was running low on petrol.Got lost for an hour before i managed to find my way out.It was horrible i tell you.After that,i just took the major roads to Yishun to pick up Asyraf.
While on the way,i had a little fucked up mishap that happened to me.I was trying to weave through some cars at the road near KK Hospital and i dropped.Together with my bike and Asyraf,i couldn't understand why but i aint going to blame anyone on this other than my own.The car that i hit upon dropping had its bumper scratched and etc.It was fucked up cause i just had to deal a fucking moron this time round.He is the opposite of nice and he looks like the typical chinese that you just wanna fucking punch in the face and leave him in his own pool of blood.He is a father of a small kid yet he looks like a fucked up gay pussy to me.
The faggot took my IC and handphone number down plus my plate number.Fuck,he just had to add salt to injury.I already had some damage done to my clutch at that point.truth is,i was freaking sad.
Rode off to Ignite after that to set up the poster.This was all due to the fact that i reasoned with the fucker that i had to settle some errands and he told me he will call me up in the afternoon which he really did.Once errand was done,we met Remee at Cathay to chill after a game of L4D.Damn i need some stress reliever at that point.
How can i calm down when i know i have shits to pay and all.
the price quoted for the bumper was a freaking bombshell of 1000 bucks.hell,i dont even have 10 bucks with me right now.
got the day ended up early cause i just wanted to go home and calm myself down.
here i am.thinking and restressing myself about life and mishaps.
one word.fuck.

HAVE HEART is coming to Singapore!
Damn a show that cannot be missed.
I have already missed CBK which totally spoiled my mood for the whole of last year.
this time i will try to make it.
life is full of ups and downs.
its either you make it or you break it.
yes Kuala Lumpur trip was fun.really really fun.we acted like we are the godfathers there with plenty of least for the first few days till everyone was getting sore throats and pockets empty.
we stayed at this place called pondok lodge.pretty cozy other than the fact that it can only be accessed by stairs and god i hate the sight of it sickens me deep down!oh well at least the place has a nice view from its rooftop which all of us chilled without fail every night.the place reminds us more or less of somewhere which don't stress us out like Singapore does.It was calming and simply peaceful at night over there in KL.
i bought myself 3 shirts there.spent my money more on cigarettes and food which i should not have so that i could have bought more stuffs.damn i know i will get a guitar there soon cause its bloody cheap there as compared to prices here.other than that the phones there is pretty cheap too.gotta be back there real real soon.
the kids there are fun,the gigs there are awesome,the food there are delicious,the cigs there are taxed-free.the whole place is fun!!!!!
when all of us reached Singapore back.Sad faces were painted on each of our faces.the feeling of reality striking us back is something unpleasant.this country is a bit too expensive for us to stay in.We all hope that the prices can be revised and that all will get the chance to enjoy a tax-free country.dream on bro,thats all that i can ever do about in Singapore.
okay back in Singapore.
i gotta find a job.
clear my debts.
get my head and thinking right.
try to decrease the amount of stress only cause in Singapore,stress is like always playing a part in each individual life.